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« Previous GenusThuja    Next GenusThymbra »

Plant compounds of Genus Thuja

Order: Coniferales
Family: Cupressaceae
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Bedoukain RussellIPM


Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Yatagai  1985 
        4-terpinenyl acetate 
        bornyl acetate 
        carvacrol me-ether 
        caryophyllene oxide 
        ethyl 2me-butanoate 
        geranyl acetate 
        linalool acetate 
Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Lawrence  1979 
        alpha-fenchyl acetate 
        bornyl acetate 
        caryophyllene oxide 
        Isothujyl acetate 
        sabina ketone 
        terpinyl acetate 
        thujyl alcohol 
        trans-sabinene hydrate 
Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Banthorpe  1973 
        bornyl acetate 
Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Simard  1988 
        bornyl acetate 
Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Srinivas  1986 
Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Simon  1987 
        bornyl acetate 
Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Simon  1987 
        bornyl acetate 
Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Lawrence  1988 
        bornyl acetate 
        caryophyllene oxide 
        terpinyl acetate 
Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Lawrence  1995 
        bornyl acetate 
        fenchyl acetate 
        geranyl acetate 
        terpinyl acetate 
Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Andersen  1995 
Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Afifi  1992 
        bornyl acetate 
Thuja orientalis Linnaeus
Afifi  1992 
        bornyl acetate 
        terpinyl acetate 
Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Corticchiato  1992 
        bornyl acetate 
Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Yatagai  1988 
        4-terpinenyl acetate 
        bornyl acetate 
        carvacrol me-ether 
        caryophyllene oxide 
        ethyl 2me-butanoate 
        geranyl acetate 
        linalool acetate 
        terpinyl acetate 
Thuja occidentalis Linnaeus
Kamdem  1993 
        bornyl acetate 
        caryophyllene oxide 
        fenchyl acetate 
        geranyl acetate 
        terpinyl acetate 

Afifi, M.S., El Sharkawy, S.H., Maatoog, G.T., Sohly, M.E.I., and Rosazza, J.P.N. 1992. Essential oils of Thuja occidentalis, Thuja orientalis, Cupressus sempervirens and Juniperus phoenicea. Mansoura J. Pharm. Sci. 8(1):37-46.
Andersen, A., Gagnon, H., Collin, G., and Adams, R.P. 1995. Essential oil of the wood of Thuja occidentalis L. J. Essent. Oil Res. 7(5):489-495.
Banthorpe, D.V., Gatford, C., Williams, S.R. 1973. Monoterpene patterns in Juniperus and Thuja species. Planta Med. 23(1):64-69.
Corticchiato, M., and Casanova, J. 1992. Identification des principaux constituants des huiles essentielles par RMN du Carbon-13. Rivista Ital. EPPOS. 664-673.
Kamdem, P.D., and Hanover, J.W. 1993. Inter-tree variation of essential oil composition of Thuja occidentalis L. J. Essent. Oil Res. 5(3):279-282.
Lawrence, B.M. 1979. Progress in essential oils. Perfum. Flavor. 4(1):48.
Lawrence, B.M. 1988. Progress in essential oils. Cedarleaf oil. Perfum. Flavor. 13(5):64-65.
Lawrence, B.M. 1995. Progress in essential oils. Cedarleaf oil. Perfum. Flavor. 20(5):103-104.
Simard, S., Hachey, J.M., and Collin, G.J. 1988. The variations of essential oil composition during the extraction process. The case of Thuja occidentalis L. and Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. J. Wood Chem. Technol. 8(4):561-573.
Simon, D.Z., Beliveau, J., and Aube, C. 1987. Cedarleaf oil (Thuja occidentalis L.) extracted by hydrodiffusion and steam distillation a comparison of oils produced by both processes. Int. J. Crade Drug Res. 25(1):4-6.
Srinivas, S.R. 1986. Atlas of essential oils. Bronx, New York, USA.
Yatagai, M., and Takahashi, T. 1988. Evaluation of essential oil producing conifers. Baiomasu Henkan Keikaku Kenkyu Hokoku. 9:3-30.
Yatagai, M., Sato, T., and Takahashi, T. 1985. Terpenes of leaf oils from Cupressaceae. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 13(4):377-385.

Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <>.
Ⓒ 2003-2025 The Pherobase - Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. Ashraf M. El-Sayed.
Page created on 22-January-2025