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Satake, M., Irie, R., Hamamoto, Y., Tachibana, K., Holland, P.T., Harwood, D.T., Shi, F., Beuzenberg, V., Itoh, Y., Hayashi, F., and Zhang, H.-P. 2018. Brevisulcenal-G, -H, and -I, polycyclic ether marine toxins from the dinoflagellate Karenia brevisulcata. Heterocycles. 96:2096-2105. |
Irie, R., Suzuki, R., Tachibana, K., Holland, P.T., Harwood, D.T., Shi, F., McNabb, P., Beuzenberg, V., Hayashi, F., Zhang, H., and Satake, M. 2016. Brevisulcatic acids from a marine microalgal species implicated in a toxic event in New Zealand. Heterocycles. 92:45-54. |
Suzuki, R., Irie, R., Harntaweesup, Y., Tachibana, K., Holland, P.T., Harwood, D.T., Shi, F., Beuzenberg, V., Itoh, Y., Pascal, S., Edwards, P.J.B., and Satake, M. 2014. Brevisulcatic acids, marine ladder-frame polyethers from the red tide dinoflagellate Karenia brevisulcata in New Zealand. Org. Lett. 16:5850-5853. |
Hamamoto, Y., Tachibana, K., Holland, P.T., Shi, F., Beuzenberg, V., Itoh, Y., and Statake, M. 2012. Brevisulcenal-F: a polycyclic ether toxin associated with massive fish-kills in New Zealand. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134:4963-4968. |
Holland, P.T., Shi, F.,; Satake, M., Hamamoto, Y., Ito, E., Beuzenberg, V., McNabb, P., Munday, R., Briggs, L., Truman, P., Gooneratne, R., Edwards, P., and Pascal, S.M. 2012. Novel toxins produced by the dinoflagellate Karenia brevisulcata. Harmful Algae. 13:47-57. |
Shi, F. 2012. Chemical and toxicological investigation of the toxic dinoflagellate, Karenia brevisulcata; Thesis Uni. Lincoln. :1. |