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Select a name from the list below to view its details:

Common Name - - Genus & Species
Gall midge - - Apidoletes gossypii
Gall midge - - Apiomya bergenstammi
Gall midge - - Asphondylia morivorella
Gall midge - - Asynapta keeni
Gall midge - - Contarinia constricta
Gall midge - - Contarinia cuniculator
Gall midge - - Contarinia pseudotsugae
Gall midge - - Contarinia washingtonensis
Gall midge - - Dasineura acercrispans
Gall midge - - Dasineura papivora
Gall midge - - Dasineura vitrina
Gall midge - - Drisina glutinosa
Gall midge - - Lasioptera carophila
Gall midge - - Lasioptera falcata
Gall midge - - Udumbaria nainiensis
Gammafly - - Autographa gamma
Garden click beetle - - Athous haemorrhoidalis
Garden cutworm - - Agrotis informis
Garden dart - - Euxoa nigricans
Garden flea beetle - - Phyllotreta robusta
Garden pebble moth - - Evergestis forficalis
Garden rose tortrix - - Acleris variegana
Garden springtail - - Bourletiella arvalis
Garden springtail - - Sminthurus multidentatus
Garden swift moth - - Korscheltellus lupulinus
Garden tiger - - Arctia caja
Garden tortrix - - Ptycholoma peritana
Garlic fly - - Suillia lurida
Garlic moth - - Dyspessa ulula
Gelechiid moth - - Brachyacma epiochra
Gelechiid moth - - Compsolechia homoplasta
Gelechiid moth - - Erippe syrictis
Gelechiid moth - - Exoteleia burkei
Gelechiid moth - - Helcystogramma bolina
Gelechiid moth - - Helcystogramma convolvulii
Gelechiid moth - - Helcystogramma macroscopa
Gelechiid moth - - Megalocypha melongenae
Gelechiid moth - - Myconita lipara
Gelechiid moth - - Periploca mimula
Gelechiid moth - - Pseudotelphusa sokolovae
Gelechiid moth - - Stenolechia bathyrodyas
Geometrid - - Cleora repulsaria
Geometrid - - Cyclophora nanaria
Geometrid - - Descoreba simplex
Geometrid - - Odontopera arida
Geometrid - - Planociampa antipala
Geometrid - - Pylargosceles steganioides
Geometrid moth - - Cleora dargei
Geometrid moth - - Cusiara stipitaria
Geometrid moth - - Gymnoscelis rufifasciata
Geometrid moth - - Hemithea costipunctata
Geometrid moth - - Inurois kyushuensis
Geometrid moth - - Ophthalmodes albosignaria
Ghost moth - - Pyrrhopyge pelota
Ghost moth - - Triodia sylvina
Ghost swift - - Hepialus humuli
Giant bagmoth - - Cryptothelea pryeri
Giant bagworm - - Clania formosicola
Giant bagworm - - Clania gigantea
Giant bagworm - - Clania kondonis
Giant bark aphid - - Longistigma caryae
Giant brown bark aphid - - Pterochloroides persicae
Giant click beetle - - Chaliolepidius erythroloma
Giant coccid - - Drosicha corpulenta
Giant cricket - - Brachytrupes membranaceus
Giant geometrid moth - - Biston robustum
Giant grasshopper - - Valanga irregularis
Giant hornet - - Vespa mandarinia
Giant looper - - Ascotis selenaria
Giant mealybug - - Drosicha stebbingii
Giant whitefly - - Aleurodicus dugesii
Giant willow aphid - - Tuberolachnus salignus
Giffard whitefly - - Bemisia giffardi
Girdled soft scale - - Didesmococcus unifasciatus
Glasshouse leafhopper - - Zingina pallidifrons
Glasshouse striped sciarid - - Bradysia tritici
Glasswing - - Acraea bonasia
Glassy-winged sharpshooter - - Homalodisca coagulata
Globe shaped olive scale - - Pollinia pollini
Globose scale - - Sphaerolecanium prunastri
Glover scale - - Lepidosaphes gloverii
Gold-barred beech pigmy moth - - Stigmella hemargyrella
Gold-dust weevil - - Hypomeces squamosus
Golden buprestid - - Buprestis aurulenta
Golden christmas beetle - - Anoplognathus punctulatus
Golden spider beetle - - Niptus hololeucus
Golden tortoise beetle - - Metriona bicolor
Golden twin spot moth - - Chrysodeixis chalcites
Gold-tail moth - - Sphrageidus similis
Gondwanaland moth - - Metaphatus ochraceus
Gooseberry aphid - - Aphis grossulariae
Gooseberry bud midge - - Rhopalomyia grossulariae
Gooseberry flower midge - - Contarinia ribis
Gooseberry fruitworm - - Zophodia convolutella
Gooseberry leaf midge - - Dasineura ribicola
Gooseberry midge - - Cecidomyia grossulariae
Gooseberry moth - - Opostegoides scioterma
Gooseberry sawfly - - Nematus leucotrochus
Gooseberry sawfly - - Neopareophora litura
Gooseberry-sowthistle aphid - - Hyperomyzus pallidus
Gossamer-winged butterfly - - Chaetoprocta odata
Gossamer-winged butterfly - - Chilaria othona
Gossamer-winged butterfly - - Chliaria kina
Gossamer-winged butterfly - - Chliaria othona
Gothic moth - - Naenia typica
Graham bean weevil - - Callosobruchus analis
Grain aphid - - Sitobion avenae
Grain chinch bug - - Macchiademus diplopterus
Grain moth - - Anchonoma xeraula
Grain moth - - Cephitinea colonella
Grain psocid - - Liposcelis entomophilus
Grain thrips - - Rhipidothrips cahirensis
Grand lecanium - - Parthenolecanium glandi
Grape berry moth - - Endopiza viteana
Grape berry moth - - Paralobesia viteana
Grape berry moth - - Polychrosis viteana
Grape borer - - Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus
Grape bud beetle - - Glyptoscelis squamulata
Grape cane borer - - Schistocerus bimaculatus
Grape cane gallmaker - - Ampeloglypter sesostris
Grape cane girdler - - Ampeloglypter ater
Grape clearwing moth - - Paranthrene regalis
Grape clearwing moth - - Parathrene regalis
Grape colaspis - - Colaspis brunnea
Grape colaspis - - Colaspis flavida
Grape curculio - - Craponius inaequalis
Grape flea beetle - - Altica chalybaea
Grape hornworm - - Acosmeryx anceus
Grape leaffolder - - Desmia funeralis
Grape leafhopper - - Arboridia adanae
Grape leafhopper - - Arboridia apicalis
Grape leafhopper - - Arboridia bajevae
Grape leafroller - - Syllepte lunalis
Grape leafworm - - Illiberis tenuis
Grape mealybug - - Pseudococcus maritimus
Grape moth - - Achaea catella
Grape phylloxera - - Viteus vitifoliae
Grape plume moth - - Geina periscelidactyla
Grape plume moth - - Nippoptilia vitis
Grape root worm - - Fidia viticida
Grape rootborer - - Vitacea polistiformis
Grape sawfly - - Erythraspides vitis
Grape scale - - Diaspidiotus uvae
Grape seed chalcid - - Evoxysoma vitis
Grape spittlebug - - Aphrophora vitis
Grape thrips - - Drepanothrips reuteri
Grape tomato gall midge - - Lasioptera vitis
Grape trunk borer - - Cerasphorus albofasciatus
Grape vesperus - - Vesperus xatarti
Grape whitefly - - Acanthaleyrodes callicarpae
Grape whitefly - - Aleurolobus vitis
Grape whitefly - - Trialeurodes vittata
Grapefruit weevil - - Corigetus corbetti
Grapeleaf skeletonizer - - Harrisina americana
Grape-tree borer - - Endoclita signifer
Grapevine aphid - - Aphis illinoisensis
Grapevine flea beetle - - Altica torquata
Grapevine hawk moth - - Theretra capensis
Grapevine leaf-rolling tortricid - - Proeulia chrysopteris
Grapevine looper - - Eulithis diversilineata
Grapevine looper - - Lygris diversilineata
Grapevine sphinx moth - - Eumorpha vitis
Grapevine zebra moth - - Heraclia superba
Grass mealybug - - Phenacoccus graminicola
Grass moth - - Crambus praefectellus
Grass moth - - Crambus zeelus
Grass webworm - - Herpetogramma licarsisalis
Grasshopper - - Atractomorpha crenaticeps
Grasshopper - - Atractomorpha crenulata
Grasshopper - - Atractomorpha lata
Grasshopper - - Atractomorpha psittacina
Grasshopper - - Catantops humilis
Grasshopper - - Chrotogonus homalodemus
Grasshopper - - Chrotogonus trachypterus
Grasshopper - - Eyprepocnemis plorans
Grasshopper - - Gesonula mundata
Grasshopper - - Gesonula punctifrons
Grasshopper - - Homorocoryphus jezoensis
Grasshopper - - Homorocoryphus nitidulus
Grasshopper - - Phlugis mantispa
Grasshopper - - Phymateus aegrotus
Grasshopper - - Valanga nigricornis
Great Basin wireworm - - Ctenicera pruinina
Great Capricorn beetle - - Cerambyx cerdo
Great southern white - - Ascia monuste
Greater date moth - - Arenipses sabella
Greater false wireworm - - Somaticus metropolis
Greater false wireworm - - Somaticus terricola
Green apple bug - - Lygocoris nigronasutus
Green brindled crescent moth - - Allophyes oxyacanthae
Green broad-winged planthopper - - Geisha distinctissima
Green budworm - - Hedya dimidioalba
Green bug aphid - - Schizaphis graminum
Green bush locust - - Phymateus viridipes
Green capsid bug - - Lygocoris pabulinus
Green citrus aphid - - Aphis spiraecola
Green citrus leafhopper - - Empoasca citrusa
Green clover worm - - Hypena scabra
Green clover worm - - Plathypena scabra
Green cochlid - - Latoia consocia
Green cochlid - - Parasa consocia
Green cochlid - - Parasia consocia
Green coffee scale - - Coccus cirripediformis
Green comma - - Polygonia faunus
Green cutworm - - Neumichtis saliaris
Green fig beetle - - Cotinis mutabilis
Green fig psyllid - - Homotoma viridis
Green flatid planthopper - - Lawana conspersa
Green fly - - Aetalion quadratum
Green fruitworm - - Lithophane antennata
Green house thrips parasite - - Megaphragma mymaripenne
Green june beetle - - Cotinis nitida
Green leaf bug - - Lygocoris lucorum
Green leaf weevil - - Polydrusus sericeus
Green leafhopper - - Empoasca decedens
Green leafhopper - - Empoasca decipiens
Green leafhopper - - Empoasca fascialis
Green mirid - - Creontiades dilutus
Green peach aphid - - Myzus persicae
Green pear aphid - - Nippolachnus piri
Green pit scale - - Palmaspis pnoenicis
Green planthopper - - Siphanta hebes
Green protea beetle - - Trichostetha fascicalaris
Green pug moth - - Calliclystis rectangulata
Green rice leafhopper - - Nephotettix cincticeps
Green rose chafer - - Cetonia aurata
Green rose chafer - - Dichelonyx backi
Green scale - - Coccus viridis
Green scarab beetle - - Diphucephala colaspidoides
Green semilooper - - Argyrogramma signata
Green sharpshooter - - Draeculacephala minerva
Green slug caterpillar - - Thosea cana
Green stink bug - - Acrosternum marginatum
Green stink bug - - Plautia affinis
Green tortoise beetle - - Metriona circumdata
Green tree ant - - Oecophylla smaragdina
Green tree cricket - - Calyptotrypus hibinonis
Greenhouse leaftier - - Oeobia rubigalis
Greenhouse orthezia - - Orthezia insignis
Greenhouse thrips parasite - - Thripobius semiluteus
Green-veined white butterfly - - Pieris napi
Gregarious desert locust - - Schistocerca gregaria
Gregarious tineid - - Hierodoris atychioides
Grey cabbage aphid - - Calaphis castaneae
Grey cluster bug - - Nysius clevelandensis
Grey corn weevil - - Tanymecus dilaticollis
Grey cutworm - - Agrotis subalba
Grey dagger - - Acronicta psi
Grey hairstreak - - Strymon melinus
Grey looper - - Cleora inflexaria
Grey pineapple mealybug - - Dysmicoccus neobrevipes
Grey pineapple mealybug - - Dysmicoccus nesophilus
Grey red-barred tortrix - - Argyrotaenia ljungiana
Grey scale - - Diaspidiotus africanus
Grey sugar-cane mealybug - - Dysmicoccus boninsis
Grey sunflower seed weevil - - Smicronyx sordidus
Grey tortrix - - Cnephasia stephensiana
Grey weevil - - Eremnus setulosus
Grey weevil - - Myllocerus delicatulus
Grey weevil - - Myllocerus discolor
Grey weevil - - Myllocerus dorsatus
Grey weevil - - Myllocerus subfasciatus
Grey weevil - - Myllocerus undecimpustulatus
Grey weevil - - Myllocerus viridianus
Grey weevil - - Peritelopsis globiventris
Greyback cane beetle - - Dermolepida albohirtum
Grisly citrus caterpillar - - Metanastra hyrtaca
Ground beetle - - Calathus fuscipes
Ground weevil - - Protostrophus amplicollis
Ground weevil - - Protostrophus barbifrons
Ground weevil - - Protostrophus hamaticollis
Ground weevil - - Protostrophus hirtiventris
Ground weevil - - Protostrophus macronatus
Ground weevil - - Protostrophus perditor
Ground weevil - - Protostrophus spinicollis
Groundnut earwig - - Euborellia annulipes
Groundnut hopper - - Hilda patruelis
Groundnut leafminer - - Taphrocoetes hirtellus
Guava fruit fly - - Anastrepha striata
Guava fruit fly - - Bactrocera correcta
Guava scale - - Chloropulvinaria psidii
Guava whitefly - - Aleurotuberculatus psidii
Guinea grass moth - - Mocis repanda
Gulf wireworm - - Heteroderes laurenti
Gum leaf skeletoniser - - Uraba lugens
Gum tree scale - - Eriococcus coriaceus
Gum tree skeletonizer - - Roeselia lugens
Gypsy moth - - Lymantria dispar
Gypsy moth - - Nygmia varians

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Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <>.
Ⓒ 2003-2025 The Pherobase - Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. Ashraf M. El-Sayed.
Page created on 22-January-2025