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Select a name from the list below to view its details:

Common Name - - Genus & Species
Lac insect - - Albotachardina yunnanensis
Lac insect - - Kerria lacca
Lace bug - - Corythaica passiflorae
Lace bug - - Diconocoris hewetti
Lace bug - - Haedus vicarius
Lace bug - - Leptobyrsa plicata
Lace bug - - Monanthia globulifera
Lace bug - - Monosteira lobulifera
Lace bug - - Nesocypselas dicysta
Lace bug - - Phatnoma varians
Lace bug - - Physatocheila confinis
Lace bug - - Physatocheila dumetorum
Lace bug - - Physatocheila municeps
Lace bug - - Stephanitis caucasica
Lace bug - - Stephanitis pyri
Lace bug - - Stephanitis takeyai
Lace bug - - Tropidochila sordida
Lace bug - - Urentius hystricellus
Lace bug - - Urentius sentis
Lackey moth - - Malacosoma parallela
Lacomb strawberry root weevil - - Dyslobus wilcoxi
Lance fly - - Lonchaea setifera
Lantana biological control age - - Hypena laceratalis
Lantana flower-cluster moth - - Epinotia lantana
Lantana mealybug - - Phenacoccus parvus
Lantern fly - - Pyrops candelaria
Lappet - - Gastropacha quercifolia
Larch budmoth - - Zeiraphera diniana
Large aspen tortrix - - Choristoneura conflictana
Large auger beetle - - Bostrychopsis jesuita
Large black chafer - - Holotrichia morosa
Large black chafer - - Lachnosterna plaei
Large brown cicada - - Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata
Large brown leafhopper - - Bothrogonia ferruginea
Large cabbage-heart caterpillar - - Crocidolomia binotalis
Large chestnut aphid - - Lachnus tropicalis
Large flax flea beetle - - Apthona euphorbiae
Large grape plume moth - - Platyptilia ignifera
Large leaf-cutting bee - - Megachile sculpturalis
Large milkweed bug - - Oncopeltus fasciatus
Large pasture scarab - - Rhopaea magnicornis
Large pine weevil - - Hylobius abietis
Large red-belted clearwing - - Synanthedon culiciformis
Large rice grasshopper - - Hieroglyphus banian
Large rose sawfly - - Arge ochropus
Large scale weevil - - Platyrhinus resinosus
Large sugarcane froghopper - - Mahanarva tristis
Large timberworm - - Hylecoetus dermestoides
Large wattle chafer - - Hypopholis sommeri
Large weevil - - Sipalinus gigas
Large white butterfly - - Pieris brassicae
Large yellow tussock moth - - Dasychira araea
Large yellow underwing - - Noctua pronuba
Larger black flour beetle - - Cynaeus angustus
Larger cabinet beetle - - Trogoderma inclusum
Larger canna leafroller - - Calpodes ethlius
Larger grain borer - - Prostephanus truncatus
Larger shot-hole borer - - Scolytus mali
Larger squash bug - - Acanthocoris striicornis
Larger two-spotted leafhopper - - Epiacanthus stramineus
Larger white-banded green geometrid - - Geometra papilionaria
Lasiocampid moth - - Digglesia australasiae
Lasiocampid moth - - Gloveria arizonensis
Lasiocampid moth - - Gonometa podocarpi
Lasiocampid moth - - Macromphalia dedecora
Lasiocampid moth - - Macromphalia spadix
Lasiocampid moth - - Metanastria obscura
Lasiocampid moth - - Odonestis pruni
Lateral lined armyworm - - Spodoptera latifascia
Lawn armyworm - - Spodoptera mauritia
Lead cable borer - - Scobicia declivis
Leaf beetle - - Acrothinium gaschkevitschii
Leaf beetle - - Afidenta misera
Leaf beetle - - Agonia krishna
Leaf beetle - - Agonia spathoglottis
Leaf beetle - - Apoderus blandus
Leaf beetle - - Argopistes biplagiatus
Leaf beetle - - Argopistes coccinelliformis
Leaf beetle - - Argopistes oleae
Leaf beetle - - Aspidiomorpha areata
Leaf beetle - - Aspidiomorpha egena
Leaf beetle - - Aspidiomorpha furcata
Leaf beetle - - Aspidomorpha miliaris
Leaf beetle - - Aulacophora coffeae
Leaf beetle - - Aulacophora indica
Leaf beetle - - Aulacophora nigripennis
Leaf beetle - - Aulacoscelis melanocera
Leaf beetle - - Callispa beccari
Leaf beetle - - Cassida circumdata
Leaf beetle - - Ceratia frontalis
Leaf beetle - - Chirida punctaria
Leaf beetle - - Chiridopsis ornata
Leaf beetle - - Chiridopsis sexnotata
Leaf beetle - - Chlamisus laticollis
Leaf beetle - - Clitea metallica
Leaf beetle - - Colaspis blakeae
Leaf beetle - - Colaspis gemellata
Leaf beetle - - Colaspis hypochlora
Leaf beetle - - Colaspis ostmarki
Leaf beetle - - Colaspis submetallica
Leaf beetle - - Conchyloctenia tigrina
Leaf beetle - - Craniotectus corbetti
Leaf beetle - - Crioceris cylindricus
Leaf beetle - - Crosita salviae
Leaf beetle - - Cryptocephalus insubidus
Leaf beetle - - Delphacodes decorata
Leaf beetle - - Delphacodes fasciculata
Leaf beetle - - Demotina vitiensis
Leaf beetle - - Disonycha comma
Leaf beetle - - Distenia notabilis
Leaf beetle - - Fleutiauxia armata
Leaf beetle - - Gonophora xanthomelaena
Leaf beetle - - Gynandrobrotica equestris
Leaf beetle - - Lacoptera quadrimaculata
Leaf beetle - - Lochmaea crataegi
Leaf beetle - - Medythia quaterna
Leaf beetle - - Metachroma regulare
Leaf beetle - - Microdonacia incurva
Leaf beetle - - Microrhopala xerene
Leaf beetle - - Monolepta dichroarum
Leaf beetle - - Monolepta elegantula
Leaf beetle - - Monolepta erythrocephala
Leaf beetle - - Monolepta semiviolacea
Leaf beetle - - Monolepta signata
Leaf beetle - - Nodina chalcosoma
Leaf beetle - - Nodina fulvitarsis
Leaf beetle - - Nodonota margaretae
Leaf beetle - - Nodostoma musae
Leaf beetle - - Nodostoma sp
Leaf beetle - - Nonarthra cyaneum
Leaf beetle - - Oides decempunctata
Leaf beetle - - Oides scutellata
Leaf beetle - - Ophraella pilosa
Leaf beetle - - Orsodacne cerasi
Leaf beetle - - Orthaulaca similis
Leaf beetle - - Oulema dilutipes
Leaf beetle - - Oulema variabilis
Leaf beetle - - Pagria aeneicollis
Leaf beetle - - Paria lefevrei
Leaf beetle - - Plesispa reichei
Leaf beetle - - Prasoidea sericea
Leaf beetle - - Psammoecus triguttatus
Leaf beetle - - Psylliodes illigeri
Leaf beetle - - Raphidopalpa similis
Leaf beetle - - Rhyparida coriacea
Leaf beetle - - Rhyparida polymorpha
Leaf beetle - - Scelodonta lewisii
Leaf beetle - - Stolas fuscata
Leaf beetle - - Systena basalis
Leaf beetle - - Tuomueria tibialis
Leaf beetle - - Typophorus viridicyanus
Leaf beetle - - Xanthonia placida
Leaf beetle - - Yunohespera sulcicollis
Leaf beetles - - Chrysophtharta bimaculata
Leaf beetles - - Ootheca bennigseni
Leaf beetles - - Ootheca mutabilis
Leaf blister sawfly - - Phylacteophaga eucalypti
Leaf blotch miner - - Caloptilia perseae
Leaf blotch miner - - Gracillaria burserella
Leaf blotch miner - - Gracillaria perseae
Leaf blotch miner - - Metriochroa latifoliella
Leaf case moth - - Hyalarcta huebneri
Leaf cutter ant - - Acromyrmex octospinosus
Leaf eating caterpillar - - Alophogater rubribasis
Leaf feeding beetle - - Chaetocnema concinna
Leaf feeding coccinellid - - Epilachna ocellata
Leaf feeding coccinellid - - Epilachna vigintioctomaculata
Leaf feeding coccinellid - - Epilachna yasutomii
Leaf gall fly - - Procontarinia matteina
Leaf grasshopper - - Mecopoda elongata
Leaf thrips - - Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus
Leaf weevil - - Hedychorus rufofasciatus
Leaf weevil - - Phyllobius maculicornis
Leaf weevil - - Phyllobius viridiaeris
Leaf weevil - - Polydrusus marginatus
Leafbeetle - - Apoderus erythrogaster
Leafcurling midge - - Contarinia citri
Leafcurling moth - - Dudua aprobola
Leaf-cutting bee - - Hoplitis producta
Leaf-cutting caterpillar - - Antichloris vidis
Leaf-eating weevil - - Platytrachylus paviei
Leaf-feeding moth - - Ceramidia butleri
Leaf-footed bug - - Veneza phyllopus
Leaf-footed pine seed bug - - Leptoglossus corculus
Leafhopper - - Aguriahana rhododendri
Leafhopper - - Aguriahana triangularis
Leafhopper - - Alebra viridis
Leafhopper - - Alebra wahlbergi
Leafhopper - - Alebroides nigroscutellatus
Leafhopper - - Amphigonalia bispinosa
Leafhopper - - Apogonalia grossa
Leafhopper - - Arboridia suzukii
Leafhopper - - Asymmetrasca decedens
Leafhopper - - Bannalgaechungia alticola
Leafhopper - - Bathysmatophorus shabliovskii
Leafhopper - - Batracomorphus diminutus
Leafhopper - - Batracomorphus mundus
Leafhopper - - Batracomorphus stigmaticus
Leafhopper - - Bothrogonia japonica
Leafhopper - - Coelidia olitoria
Leafhopper - - Cuerna costalis
Leafhopper - - Dalunana spinosa
Leafhopper - - Dikrella cruentata
Leafhopper - - Docotettix cornatus
Leafhopper - - Drabescus ogumai
Leafhopper - - Edwardsiana avellanae
Leafhopper - - Edwardsiana flavescens
Leafhopper - - Edwardsiana hippocastani
Leafhopper - - Edwardsiana ishidae
Leafhopper - - Edwardsiana quettensis
Leafhopper - - Empoasca affinis
Leafhopper - - Empoasca clodia
Leafhopper - - Empoasca dolichi
Leafhopper - - Empoasca halaensis
Leafhopper - - Empoasca hiromichii
Leafhopper - - Empoasca kraemeri
Leafhopper - - Empoasca niuensis
Leafhopper - - Empoasca persicae
Leafhopper - - Empoasca punjabensis
Leafhopper - - Epignoma natalensis
Leafhopper - - Erythroneura dowelli
Leafhopper - - Erythroneura hartii
Leafhopper - - Erythroneura ix
Leafhopper - - Erythroneura magnacalx
Leafhopper - - Erythroneura omani
Leafhopper - - Erythroneura rhamnicola
Leafhopper - - Erythroneura rubiphylla
Leafhopper - - Erythroneura sudra
Leafhopper - - Erythroneura vinealis
Leafhopper - - Eupteryx atropunctata
Leafhopper - - Eurhadina loewii
Leafhopper - - Eurhadina pulchella
Leafhopper - - Euscelis plebeja
Leafhopper - - Fieberiella florii
Leafhopper - - Fieberiella gemelina
Leafhopper - - Gyponana germari
Leafhopper - - Gyponana mali
Leafhopper - - Hishimonoides sellatiformis
Leafhopper - - Hishimonus bucephalus
Leafhopper - - Hishimonus phycitis
Leafhopper - - Hishimonus sellatus
Leafhopper - - Homalodisca insolita
Leafhopper - - Jalalia colorata
Leafhopper - - Koebelia californica
Leafhopper - - Koebelia coronata
Leafhopper - - Kolla atramentaria
Leafhopper - - Ledra hyalina
Leafhopper - - Limassolla multipunctata
Leafhopper - - Macropsis fulcatus
Leafhopper - - Macropsis mendax
Leafhopper - - Macrosteles orientalis
Leafhopper - - Macrosteles quadripunctulatus
Leafhopper - - Macrosteles sexnotatus
Leafhopper - - Maurya nodosa
Leafhopper - - Mertila malayensis
Leafhopper - - Metascarta impressifrons
Leafhopper - - Neoaliturus haematoceps
Leafhopper - - Ollarianus sexmaculatus
Leafhopper - - Oncometopia orbona
Leafhopper - - Orosius ryukyuensis
Leafhopper - - Ossiannilssonola callosa
Leafhopper - - Paracyba akashiensis
Leafhopper - - Penthiamia nitida
Leafhopper - - Penthimia nigra
Leafhopper - - Penthimia nitida
Leafhopper - - Phlogotettix cyclops
Leafhopper - - Platytetticis pulchrus
Leafhopper - - Poeciloscarta histrio
Leafhopper - - Pseudonirvana furcilinea
Leafhopper - - Scaphytopius acutus
Leafhopper - - Scaphytopius frontalis
Leafhopper - - Scaphytopius limbatus
Leafhopper - - Scaphytopius nitridus
Leafhopper - - Scleroracus flavopictus
Leafhopper - - Sibovia sagata
Leafhopper - - Tharra testacea
Leafhopper - - Vilbasteana oculata
Leafhopper - - Zorka lamellata
Leafhopper - - Zygina flammigera
Leafhopper - - Zygina nivea
Leafhopper - - Zygina rhamni
Leafhopper - - Zygina schneideri
Leafhopper - - Zygina suavis
Leafhopper - - Zygina yamashiroensis
Leafhopper - - Zyginella mali
Leafhopper - - Zyginella pulchra
Leafhopper - - Zyginidia artvinicus
Leafhopper - - Zyginidia karadenizicus
Leafhopper - - Zyginidia quyumi
Leafhopper - - Zyginidia younasi
Leafminer - - Acrocercops caerulea
Leafminer - - Acrocercops distylii
Leafminer - - Acrocercops homalacta
Leafminer - - Acrocercops irradians
Leafminer - - Acrocercops prosacta
Leafminer - - Acrocercops syngramma
Leafminer - - Acrocercops zygonoma
Leafminer - - Amauromyza flavifrons
Leafminer - - Argyresthia pilatella
Leafminer - - Bohemannia pulverosella
Leafminer - - Bucculatrix maritima
Leafminer - - Bucculatrix pomifoliella
Leafminer - - Callisto multimaculata
Leafminer - - Calycomyza brewerae
Leafminer - - Calycomyza genebrensis
Leafminer - - Calycomyza unicampensis
Leafminer - - Cameraria caryaefoliella
Leafminer - - Coptodisca lucifluella
Leafminer - - Cosmopteryx schismatias
Leafminer - - Ectoedemia atricollis
Leafminer - - Etainia sphendamni
Leafminer - - Liriomyza pusilla
Leafminer - - Lyonetia speculella
Leafminer - - Melanagromyza dolichostigma
Leafminer - - Melanagromyza fabae
Leafminer - - Parectopa robiniella
Leafminer - - Paronix preciosella
Leafminer - - Parornix geminatella
Leafminer - - Pegomya bicolor
Leafminer - - Pegomya solennis
Leafminer - - Phodoryctis caerulea
Leafminer - - Phyllocnistis toparca
Leafminer - - Phyllonorycter caryaealbella
Leafminer - - Phyllonorycter cerasicolella
Leafminer - - Phyllonorycter gerasimowi
Leafminer - - Phyllonorycter leucographella
Leafminer - - Phyllonorycter sorbicola
Leafminer - - Phytagromyza dianthicola
Leafminer - - Phytobia cepae
Leafminer - - Phytomyza mayeri
Leafminer - - Scaptomyza apicalis
Leafminer - - Scaptomyza flaveola
Leafminer - - Sinopticula sinica
Leafminer - - Stigmella centifoliella
Leafminer - - Stigmella pomivorella
Leafminer - - Stigmella rolandi
Leafminer - - Timodora callicirrha
Leafminer - - Tropicomyia pisi
Leafminer - - Xanthorhoe subidaria
Leafminer moth - - Phyllonorycter maestingella
Leafroller - - Acleris latifasciana
Leafroller - - Adoxophyes fasciculana
Leafroller - - Apotomis lutosana
Leafroller - - Archips machlopis
Leafroller - - Archips nigricaudanus
Leafroller - - Archips occidentalis
Leafroller - - Archips tabescens
Leafroller - - Argyrotaenia ivana
Leafroller - - Choristoneura albaniana
Leafroller - - Claremontia confusa
Leafroller - - Cochylis roseana
Leafroller - - Eboda celligera
Leafroller - - Epiblema roborana
Leafroller - - Epiblema trimaculana
Leafroller - - Epinotia hopkinsana
Leafroller - - Epiphyas caryotis
Leafroller - - Gatesclarkeana erotias
Leafroller - - Hedya schreberiana
Leafroller - - Lobesia crimea
Leafroller - - Lorita baccharivora
Leafroller - - Lozotaenia forsterana
Leafroller - - Matsumuraeses melanaula
Leafroller - - Olethreutes concinnana
Leafroller - - Olethreutes furfuranum
Leafroller - - Olethreutes wahlbergiana
Leafroller - - Platypelpus aprobola
Leafroller - - Sparganothis reticulatana
Leafroller - - Sparganothis unifasciana
Leafroller - - Strepsicrates rhothia
Leafroller - - Thrincophora rudisana
Leafroller - - Tortricodes alternella
Leaf-roller - - Anigraea ochrobasis
Leafroller moth - - Platynota rostrana
Leafrollers - - Epiphyas sp
Leafrolling pear aphid - - Dysaphis reaumuri
Leaf-rolling tortrix - - Sparganothis pilleriana
Leafrolling weevil - - Apoderus crenatus
Leafrolling weevil - - Apoderus notatus
Leafsucker - - Cacopsylla nigella
Leaftier - - Aroga trialbanmaculella
Leaftier - - Dichomeris vacciniella
Leafy spurge gall midge - - Spurgia escula
Leche's twist moth - - Ptycholoma lecheana
Leek moth - - Acrolepiopsis assectella
Legume pod borer - - Maruca vitrata
Legume thrips - - Taeniothrips distalis
Lemon butterfly - - Papilio demoleus
Leopard - - Phalanta phalantha
Leopard moth - - Zeuzera pyrina
Leptocoris bug - - Leptocoris mitellatus
Lesser appleworm - - Cydia prunivora
Lesser banded pine weevil - - Pissodes castaneus
Lesser bud moth - - Recurvaria nanella
Lesser cornstalk borer - - Elasmopalpus lignosellus
Lesser date moth - - Batrachedra amydraula
Lesser fruit-piercing moth - - Anomis nigritarsis
Lesser fruit-piercing moth - - Anomis revocans
Lesser fruit-tree katydid - - Phaulula gracilis
Lesser maple spanworm - - Itame pustularia
Lesser migratory grasshopper - - Melanoplus sanguinipes
Lesser orchid weevil - - Orchidophilus peregrinator
Lesser peachtree borer - - Synanthedon pictipes
Lesser pine shoot beetle - - Tomicus minor
Lesser Queensland fruit fly - - Bactrocera neohumeralis
Lesser rose aphid - - Myzaphis rosarum
Lesser strawberry aphid - - Chaetosiphon minus
Lettuce fruit fly - - Trupanea amoena
Lettuce looper - - Rachiplusia nu
Lettuce seed fly - - Pegohylemyia gnava
Leverbrunt bandfly - - Noctua orbona
Lewin's bag-shelter moth - - Panacela lewinae
Light grey tortrix - - Cnephasia incertana
Lilac beauty - - Apeira syringaria
Lilac borer - - Podosesia syringae
Lily leaf beetle - - Lilioceris lilii
Lily mealybug - - Pseudococcus lilacinus
Lily weevil - - Agasphaerops nigra
Limabean pod borer - - Etiella zinckenella
Limacodid moth - - Belippa horrida
Limacodid moth - - Metraga determinata
Limacodid moth - - Sibine apicalis
Lime psylla - - Psylla murrayi
Lime weevil - - Artipus floridanus
Linear bug - - Phaenacantha australiae
Litchee weevil - - Gargara varicolor
Litchi mealybug - - Planococcus litchi
Litchi moth - - Cryptophlebia peltastica
Litchi weevil - - Sciobius brevicollis
Litchi weevil - - Sciobus brevicollis
Little fire ant - - Ochetomyrmex auropunctata
Little longhorn beetle - - Tetrops praeusta
Loblolly pine coneworm - - Dioryctria merkeli
Locust - - Gastrimargus transversus
Locust - - Oxya intricata
Locust - - Schistocerca ceratiola
Locust - - Sexava nubila
Lodgepole terminal weevil - - Pissodes terminalis
Logleaf pine seedworm - - Cydia ingens
Lonchaeid fly - - Lonchaea atratula
Lonchaeid fly - - Lonchaea aurea
Lonchaeid fly - - Lonchaea chalybea
Lonchaeid fly - - Lonchaea ficiperda
Long horned grasshopper - - Plangia graminea
Long-banded silverline - - Spindasis lohita
Long-cloaked marble - - Hedya ochroleucana
Longheaded flour beetle - - Latheticus oryzae
Longhorn beetle - - Ancistrotus cummingi
Longhorn beetle - - Ancylosternus morio
Longhorn beetle - - Anoplodera valida
Longhorn beetle - - Apatophysis pavlovskii
Longhorn beetle - - Apatophysis sinica
Longhorn beetle - - Apriona cinerea
Longhorn beetle - - Aristobia testudo
Longhorn beetle - - Asemum nitidum
Longhorn beetle - - Batocera horsfieldi
Longhorn beetle - - Callideriphus laetus
Longhorn beetle - - Ceresium flavipes
Longhorn beetle - - Ceresium longicorne
Longhorn beetle - - Ceresium sinicum
Longhorn beetle - - Ceresium unicolor
Longhorn beetle - - Cerosterna scabrator
Longhorn beetle - - Chlorophorus carinatus
Longhorn beetle - - Chlorophorus japonicus
Longhorn beetle - - Chlorophorus varius
Longhorn beetle - - Coreus marginatus
Longhorn beetle - - Cyrtoclytus caproides
Longhorn beetle - - Dendrobias mandibularis
Longhorn beetle - - Diaxenes dendrobii
Longhorn beetle - - Diaxenes phalaenopsis
Longhorn beetle - - Diaxenes taylori
Longhorn beetle - - Disterna lugubris
Longhorn beetle - - Disterna plumifera
Longhorn beetle - - Ergates spiculatus
Longhorn beetle - - Goes pulcher
Longhorn beetle - - Leptostylus incrassatus
Longhorn beetle - - Leptura laetifica
Longhorn beetle - - Leptura obliterata
Longhorn beetle - - Lophosternus hugelii
Longhorn beetle - - Macropophora accentifer
Longhorn beetle - - Macrotoma palmata
Longhorn beetle - - Mesolita lineolata
Longhorn beetle - - Mesosa nebulosa
Longhorn beetle - - Migdolus brachypterus
Longhorn beetle - - Molorchus juglandis
Longhorn beetle - - Molorchus minor
Longhorn beetle - - Monoxenus fuliginosus
Longhorn beetle - - Nadezhdiella cantori
Longhorn beetle - - Nemashema modesta
Longhorn beetle - - Oberea artocarpi
Longhorn beetle - - Oberea oculata
Longhorn beetle - - Oemida gahani
Longhorn beetle - - Ortholepturia insignis
Longhorn beetle - - Oxypleurus nodieri
Longhorn beetle - - Parmena aurora
Longhorn beetle - - Phymatodes albicinctus
Longhorn beetle - - Plymatodes maaki
Longhorn beetle - - Praxithea derourei
Longhorn beetle - - Prosoplus torosa
Longhorn beetle - - Saperda candida
Longhorn beetle - - Saperda scalaris
Longhorn beetle - - Skeletodes tetrops
Longhorn beetle - - Sophronica ruflescens
Longhorn beetle - - Stenocentrus ostricilla
Longhorn beetle - - Stenodontes dasystomus
Longhorn beetle - - Taeniotes orbignyi
Longhorn beetle - - Trachyderes succintus
Longhorn borer - - Apriona germarii
Long-horned beetle - - Parandra thunbergi
Long-horned beetle - - Paroplites australis
Long-horned beetle - - Prosoplus bankii
Long-horned grasshopper - - Conocephalus affinis
Longicorn beetle - - Brachyclytus singularis
Longicorn beetle - - Cataphrodisium rubripenne
Longicorn beetle - - Tmesisternus politus
Longtailed mealybug - - Pseudococcus adonidum
Long-winged leafhopper - - Aiolopus thalassinus
Looper - - Agriopis (=Erannis) bajaria
Looper - - Buzura suppressaria
Looper - - Caripeta aequaliaria
Looper - - Chloroclystis v-ata
Looper - - Cleora repedita
Looper - - Diacrisia sumatrana
Looper - - Eupithecia albicapitata
Looper - - Eupithecia celatisigna
Looper - - Eupithecia spermaphaga
Looper - - Gabriola dyari
Looper - - Gelasma illiturata
Looper - - Gymnoscelis lophopus
Looper - - Haploceros sphenotypa
Looper - - Neoalcis californiaria
Looper - - Nepytia umbrosaria
Looper caterpillar - - Culcula panterinaria
Looper caterpillar - - Thalassodes pilaria
Looper moth - - Caripeta divisata
Looper moth - - Cladara limitaria
Looper moth - - Melanolophia imitata
Looper moth - - Nepytia phantasmaria
Looper moth - - Semiothisa granitata
Loquat mealybug - - Planococcus japonicus
Loquat thrips - - Thrips japonicus
Loreyi leafworm - - Mythimna loreyi
Lucerne leafhopper - - Austroasca alfalfae
Luna moth - - Actias luna
Lycaenid butterfly - - Bidaspa nissa
Lychee shield bug - - Chrysocoris stolii
Lychee stink bug - - Tessaratoma papillosa
Lychnis moth - - Hadena bicruris
Lycid beetle - - Lycus constrictus
Lygaeid bug - - Euander lacertosus
Lygaeid bug - - Graptostethus servus
Lygaeid bug - - Horridipamera nietneri
Lygaeid bug - - Nysius celonicus
Lygaeid bug - - Nysius nemorivagus
Lygaeid bug - - Orthaca cincticornis
Lygaeid bug - - Oxycarenus lavaterae
Lygaeid bug - - Spilostethus hospes
Lygaeid bug - - Spilostethus pandurus
Lygaeid bug - - Tropidonothorax venustus
Lymantrid moth - - Bracharoa bistigmigera
Lymantrid moth - - Calliteara horsfieldii
Lymantrid moth - - Euproctis kargalika
Lymantriid moth - - Euproctis scintillans

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Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <>.
Ⓒ 2003-2025 The Pherobase - Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. Ashraf M. El-Sayed.
Page created on 22-January-2025