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Select a name from the list below to view its details:

Common Name - - Genus & Species
Tahitian coconut weevil - - Diocalandra taitense
Taiwan bag-worm - - Eumeta oolona
Taiwanese thrips - - Thrips parvispinus
Tamarind mealybug - - Perissopneumon tamarinda
Tamarind weevil - - Sitophilus linearis
Tamarisk flower feeder - - Characoma nilotica
Tarnished plant bug - - Lygocoris spinolae
Tarnished plant bug - - Lygus hesperus
Tarnished plant bug - - Lygus lineolaris
Tarnished plant bug - - Lygus oblineatus
Taro beetle - - Papuana biroi
Taro beetle - - Papuana inermis
Taro beetle - - Papuana szentivanyi
Taro beetle - - Papuana trinodosa
Taro beetle - - Papuana uninodis
Taro planthopper - - Tarophagus proserpina
Taro root aphid - - Patchiella reaumuri
Tawny mole cricket - - Scapteriscus vicinus
Tea bagmoth - - Mahasena minuscula
Tea bagworm - - Clania minuscula
Tea bagworm - - Eumeta miniscula
Tea black scale - - Parlatoria theae
Tea cluster caterpillar - - Andraca bipunctata
Tea cochlid - - Phrixolepia sericea
Tea geometrid - - Jankowskia fuscaria
Tea geometrid - - Megabiston plumosaria
Tea green leafhopper - - Empoasca vitis
Tea mosquito - - Helopeltis theivora
Tea root weevil - - Aperitmetus brunneus
Tea scale - - Fiornia theae
Tea shothole borer - - Xyleborus fornicatus
Tea tortrix - - Homona coffearia
Tea tortrix - - Homona marginata
Tea tussock moth - - Euproctis pseudoconspersa
Teatree moth - - Salma marmorea
Teatree parasite - - Macrocentrus homonae
Tenebrionid - - Blapstinus palmeri
Tenebrionid - - Blapstinus punctulatus
Tenebrionid - - Blapstinus tibialis
Tenebrionid beetle - - Bradymerus amicorum
Ten-lined June beetle - - Phyllophaga decimlineata
Tent caterpillar - - Malocosoma indicum
Tephritid fly - - Campiglossa hirayamae
Tephritid fly - - Paroxyna murina
Tephritid fly - - Trypeta artemisiae
Tephritid fly - - Zacerata asparagi
Termite - - Glyptotermes latignathus
Termite - - Glyptotermes liangshanensis
Termite - - Macrotermes natalensis
Termite - - Microtermes unicolor
Termite - - Odontotermes lokanandi
Termite - - Odontotermes smeathmani
Termite - - Rhinotermes intermedius
Terrapin scale - - Mesolecanium nigrofasciatum
Tessellated scale - - Eucalymnatus tessellatus
Texas leaf phylloxera - - Phylloxera texana
Texas leafcutting ant - - Atta texana
Therevid fly - - Ptecticus elongatus
Thick-horned click beetle - - Spheniscosomus restrictus
Thief ant - - Solenopsis molesta
Thin strawberry weevil - - Rhadinosomus lacordairei
Thistle aphid - - Brachycaudus cardui
Thread-tailed stonefly - - Amphinemura sagittata
Three striped fruit fly - - Bactrocera diversa
Three-cornered alfalfa hopper - - Spissistilus festinus
Threelined leafroller - - Pandemis limitata
Three-lined potato beetle - - Oulema trilineata
Three-lined truncate-tipped geometrid - - Zethenia rufescentaria
Three-serrate-striped geometrid - - Hypomecis roboraria
Three-spotted plusia - - Chrysodeixis agnata
Three-spotted plusia - - Plusia agnata
Threestriped blister beetle - - Epicauta lemniscata
Thrip - - Taeniothrips samdensis
Thrips - - Caliothrips indicus
Thrips - - Catinathrips similis
Thrips - - Catinathrips vacciniocolus
Thrips - - Copidothrips formosus
Thrips - - Danothrips trifasciatus
Thrips - - Dendrothrips minowai
Thrips - - Dichromothrips orchidis
Thrips - - Dolichothrips indicus
Thrips - - Echinothrips americanus
Thrips - - Haplothrips knechteli
Thrips - - Haplothrips nigricornis
Thrips - - Helionothrips errans
Thrips - - Heliothrips sylvanus
Thrips - - Homothrips distinctus
Thrips - - Hoplandrothrips reynei
Thrips - - Liothrips urichi
Thrips - - Macrophthalmothrips helenae
Thrips - - Megavirothrips bellyanus
Thrips - - Neohydatothrips variabilis
Thrips - - Pseudodendrothrips mori
Thrips - - Rhamphothrips pandeus
Thrips - - Scirtothrips albomaculatus
Thrips - - Scirtothrips signipennis
Thrips - - Scolothrips pallidus
Thrips - - Scolothrips priesneri
Thrips - - Sericothrips abdominalis
Thrips - - Sericothrips cingulatus
Thrips - - Sericothrips gracilicornis
Thrips - - Sericothrips occipitalis
Thrips - - Taeniothrips meridionalis
Thrips - - Taeniothrips vaccinophilus
Thrips - - Taeniothrips xanthius
Thrips - - Thrips apicatus
Thrips - - Thrips coloratus
Thrips - - Thrips fallaciosus
Thrips - - Thrips kodiakanalensis
Thrips - - Thrips setosus
Thrips - - Tryphactothrips rutherfordi
Thyretid moth - - Automolis inexpectata
Thyretid moth - - Disconeura inexpectata
Thyridid moth - - Striglina cancellata
Tiger moth - - Alpenus investigatorum
Tiger moth - - Amsacta costalis
Tiger moth - - Amsacta gangara
Tiger moth - - Amsacta marginata
Tiger moth - - Asura calamaria
Tiger moth - - Asura cervicalis
Tiger moth - - Cyana amelaena
Tiger moth - - Ecpantheria icasia
Tiger moth - - Hypercompe albicornis
Tiger moth - - Nola irridescens
Tiger moth - - Palpita quadristigmalis
Tiger moth - - Pericallia ricini
Tiger moth - - Spilosoma flammeola
Tiger moth - - Spilosoma obliqua
Tiger moth - - Spilosoma punctaria
Tiger moth - - Spilosoma subcarnea
Tiger moth - - Turuptiana obliqua
Tiger moth - - Xylena formosa
Tilehorned prionus - - Prionus imbricornis
Tillandsia eriococcid - - Eriococcus quercus
Tillandsia scale - - Aclerda tillandsiae
Tillandsia scale - - Epidiaspis tillandsiae
Tillandsia scale - - Orthezia tillandsiae
Tillandsia scale - - Pseudoparlatoria tillandsiae
Tillandsia scale - - Quadraspidiotus tillandsiae
Tineid moth - - Opogona purpuriella
Tineid moth - - Opogona regressa
Tineid moth - - Setomorpha rutella
Tiny cabinet beetle - - Trogoderma grassmani
Tip wilting bug - - Pomponatius typicus
Tipborer - - Chlumetia brevisigna
Tobacco budworm - - Heliothis virescens
Tobacco flea beetle - - Epitrix hirtipennis
Tobacco hornworm - - Manduca sexta
Tobacco looper - - Chrysodeixis argentifera
Tobacco stem borer - - Faustinus apicalis
Tobacco stem borer - - Scrobipalpa aptatella
Tobacco thrips - - Frankliniella fusca
Tobacco wireworm - - Conoderus vespertinus
Tomato bug - - Arvelius albopunctatus
Tomato capsid - - Cyrtopeltis tenuis
Tomato fruit borer - - Neoleucinodes elegantalis
Tomato fruit fly - - Trirhithromyia cyanescens
Tomato fruit moth - - Scrobipalpa absoluta
Tomato hornworm - - Manduca quinquemaculata
Tomato leafhopper - - Zygina pallidifrons
Tomato leafminer - - Scrobipalpula absoluta
Tomato looper - - Chrysodeixis acuta
Tomato moth - - Lacanobia oleracea
Tomato pinworm - - Keiferia lycopersicella
Tomato thrips - - Frankliniella cestrum
Toothed flea beetle - - Chaetocnema denticulata
Tortoise beetle - - Eurypelpa calochroma
Tortoise beetle - - Metriona strigula
Tortricid - - Aethes williana
Tortricid - - Xenothictis sciaphila
Tortricid moth - - Commophila fuscodorsana
Tortricid moth - - Epinotia radicana
Tortricid moth - - Henricus fuscodorsanus
Tortricid moth - - Lorita scarificata
Transparent scale - - Aspidiotus diffinis
Transverse ladybird - - Coccinella transversalis
Tree borer - - Synanthedon resplendens
Tree borer - - Synanthedon salmachus
Tree hopper - - Aconophora femoralis
Tree hopper - - Aconophora nitidae
Tree hopper - - Aconophora projecta
Tree hopper - - Aconophora tenuirostris
Tree hopper - - Aetalion reticulatum
Tree hopper - - Maurya rotundidenticula
Tree hopper - - Micrutalis malleifera
Tree hopper - - Terentius nubifasciatus
Tree hopper - - Tricentrus bicolor
Trilobite scale - - Pseudaonidia trilobitiformis
Triton dagger - - Acronicta tritona
Trogoderma beetle - - Trogoderma irroratum
Tropical cutworm - - Spodoptera albula
Tropical fire ant - - Solenopsis geminata
Tropical leaf moth - - Striglina navigatorum
Truffle beetle - - Leiodes cinnamomea
Truffle fly - - Helomyza lineata
Truffle fly - - Helomyza tuberivora
Truffle fly - - Suillia gigantea
Tuber moth - - Eurysacca melanocampta
Tubular black thrips - - Haplothrips victoriensis
Tufted apple budmoth - - Platynota idaeusalis
Tulip leaf aphid - - Rhopalosiphoninus staphyleae
Tumbling flower beetle - - Anaspis rufilabris
Tumbling flower beetle - - Mordellistena cattleyana
Tumbling flower beetle - - Mordellistena chapini
Tumbling flower beetle - - Mordellistena comes
Turkestan brown-tail - - Euproctis lutea
Turkestan vapourer - - Orgyia prisca
Turmeric skipper - - Udaspes folus
Turnip flea beetle - - Phyllotreta undulata
Turnip gall weevil - - Ceutorhynchus pleurostigmata
Turnip maggot - - Delia floralis
Turnip maggot - - Hylemya pilipyga
Turnip moth - - Agrotis segetum
Turnip root aphid - - Pemphigus populitransversus
Tussock caterpillar - - Dasychira mendosa
Tussock moth - - Anthela connexa
Tussock moth - - Anthela excellens
Tussock moth - - Anthela nicothoe
Tussock moth - - Anthela ocellata
Tussock moth - - Axiologa pura
Tussock moth - - Dasychira costalis
Tussock moth - - Elkneria pudibunda
Tussock moth - - Euproctis pulverea
Tussock moth - - Euproctis terminalis
Tussock moth - - Olene mendosa
Tussock moth - - Olene ostracina
Tussock moth - - Orgyia basalis
Tussock moth - - Orgyia hopkinsi
Tussock moth - - Pachypasa subfascia
Tussock moth - - Porthesia paradoxa
Tussore silkworm - - Antheraea pernyi
Twelve-spotted ladybird - - Vibidia duodecemguttata
Twentysix-spotted potato ladybird - - Epilachna vigintioctopunctata
Twig cutter - - Rhynchites cribripennis
Twig girdler - - Oncideres cingulata
Twig looper - - Ectropis excursaria
Twinspot sphinx - - Smerinthus jamaicensis
Two-banded fungus beetle - - Alphitophagus bifasciatus
Two-banded Japanese weevil - - Callirhopalus bifasciatus
Twolined chestnut borer - - Agrilus bilineatus
Two-spotted cricket - - Acheta bimaculata
Two-striped green buprestid - - Chrysochroa fulgidissima
Two-striped walkingstick - - Anisomorpha buprestoides
Two-toothed pine beetle - - Pityogenes quadridens

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Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <>.
Ⓒ 2003-2025 The Pherobase - Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. Ashraf M. El-Sayed.
Page created on 22-January-2025