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Select a name from the list below to view its details:

Common Name - - Genus & Species
Pacific coast wireworm - - Limonius canus
Pacific flatheaded borer - - Chrysobothris mali
Pacific fruit fly - - Bactrocera xanthodes
Paeony scale - - Pseudaonidia paeoniae
Painted apple moth - - Teia anartoides
Painted bug - - Eurydema pulchrum
Painted lady - - Cynthia cardui
Painted lady - - Polygonia satyrus
Painted vine moth - - Agarista agricola
Pale apple budworm - - Pseudexentera mali
Pale brindled beauty moth - - Apocheima pilosaria
Pale cotton stainer - - Dysdercus sidae
Pale legume bug - - Lygus elisus
Pale palm dart - - Telicota colon
Pale sided cutworm moth - - Agrotis malefida
Pale tussock moth - - Calliteara pudibunda
Palearctic burrower bug - - Aethus nigritus
Palegreen triangle butterfly - - Graphium eurypylus
Pale-striped flea beetle - - Systena blanda
Palm aphid - - Cerataphis fransseni
Palm aphid - - Cerataphis palmae
Palm mealybug - - Palmicultor palmarum
Palm scale - - Aspidiotus palmae
Palm scale - - Hemiberlesia palmae
Palm stem borer - - Pseudophilus testaceus
Palm thrips - - Thrips palmi
Palm thrips - - Thrips pusillus
Palm weevil borer - - Diocalandra frumenti
Palmetto weevil - - Rhynchophorus cruentatus
Palmking - - Amathusia phidippus
Pandanus mealybug - - Laminicoccus pandani
Pandora sphinx moth - - Eumorpha satellitia
Papaya fruit fly - - Toxotrypana curvicauda
Papuan tussock moth - - Orgyia papuana
Papuana beetle - - Papuana woodlarkiana
Parent bug - - Elasmucha grisea
Parlatoria date scale - - Parlatoria blanchardii
Parsnip moth - - Depressaria daucella
Parsnip moth - - Depressaria marcella
Parsnip moth - - Depressaria pastinacella
Passion fruit stem borer - - Aepytus serta
Passionvine bug - - Fabrictilis gonagra
Passionvine mealybug - - Planococcus minor
Pavement ant - - Tetramorium caespitum
Pea leaf weevil - - Sitona lineatus
Pea leafminer - - Chromatomyia horticola
Pea leafminer - - Liriomyza huidobrensis
Pea midge - - Contarinia pisi
Pea moth - - Cydia nigricana
Pea thrips - - Kakothrips robustus
Pea weevil - - Bruchus pisorum
Peach aphid - - Hyalopterus amygdali
Peach aphid - - Pterocomma bicolor
Peach aphid - - Tuberocephalus momonis
Peach bark beetle - - Phloeotribus liminaris
Peach capnodis - - Capnodis tenebrionis
Peach curculio - - Rhynchites heros
Peach flower moth - - Telorta divergens
Peach fruit fly - - Bactrocera zonata
Peach fruit moth - - Carposina sasakii (=niponensis)
Peach hornworm - - Marumba gaschkewitschii
Peach leafhopper - - Graphocephala versuta
Peach leafminer - - Lyonetia clerkella
Peach leafminer - - Phyllonorycter pomonella
Peach nut casebearer - - Acrobasis nuxvorella
Peach slug - - Caliroa matsumotonis
Peach twig borer - - Anarsia lineatella
Peach white scale - - Pseudaulacaspis prunicola
Peach-potato aphid - - Myzus varians
Peachtree borer - - Synanthedon exitiosa
Peacock butterfly - - Inachis io
Pear aphid - - Longistigma xizangensis
Pear aphid - - Schizaphis piricola
Pear aphid - - Shizaphis piricola
Pear bark miner - - Acrocercops astaurota
Pear barkminer moth - - Spulerina astaurota
Pear borer - - Bacchisa fortunei
Pear cephid - - Janus compressus
Pear cimbicid sawfly - - Paleocimbex carinulata
Pear ermel moth - - Swammerdamia pyrella
Pear fruit borer - - Blastodacna pyrigalla
Pear fruit borer - - Nephosteryx rubizonella
Pear fruit moth - - Numonia pirivorella
Pear fruit sawfly - - Hoplocampa pyricola
Pear grass aphid - - Melanaphis pyraria
Pear lace bug - - Stephanitis ambigua
Pear lace bug - - Stephanitis nashi
Pear leaf blister moth - - Leucoptera malifoliella
Pear leafminer - - Bucculatrix pyrivorella
Pear leafworm - - Illiberis pruni
Pear mealybug - - Dysmicoccus cuspidatae
Pear midge - - Contarinia pyrivora
Pear oystershell scale - - Lepidosaphes conchiformioides
Pear phylloxera - - Aphanostigma iakusuiense
Pear phylloxera - - Aphanostigma piri
Pear plant bug - - Lygocoris communis
Pear plant bug - - Neolygus communis
Pear psylla - - Cacopsylla pyricola
Pear psyllid - - Psylla liaoli
Pear psyllid - - Psylla qianli
Pear pyralid - - Ectomyelois pyrivorella
Pear red-striped pyralid - - Nephopteryx bicolorella
Pear sawfly - - Hoplocampa brevis
Pear scale - - Parlatoreopsis pyri
Pear scale - - Quadraspidiotus pyri
Pear stinging caterpillar - - Mirisa flavidorsalis
Pear stinging caterpillar - - Narosoideus flavidorsalis
Pear stink bug - - Urochela leuteovaria
Pear thrips - - Taeniothrips inconsequens
Pear tortricid - - Cydia pyrivora
Pear yellow aphid - - Sappaphis piricola
Pear-bedstraw aphid - - Dysaphis pyri
Pear-coltsfoot aphid - - Anuraphis farfarae
Pear-hogweed aphid - - Anuraphis subterranea
Pecan budmoth - - Gretchena bolliana
Pecan carpenterworm - - Cossula magnifica
Pecan casebearer - - Coleophora caryaefoliella
Pecan cigar casebearer - - Coleophora laticornella
Pecan leaf casebearer - - Acrobasis juglandis
Pecan leaf phylloxera - - Notabilia notabilis
Pecan leaf phylloxera - - Phylloxera russellae
Pecan lecanium - - Eulecanium caryae
Pecan phylloxera - - Phylloxera devastatrix
Pecan sawfly - - Periclista marginicollis
Pecan serpentine leafminer - - Stigmella juglandifoliella
Pecan spittlebug - - Clastoptera achatina
Pecan stem borer - - Eulophonotus myrmeleon
Pecan weevil - - Curculio caryae
Pectinate-horned click beetle - - Melanotus legatus
Peel-scarring weevil - - Philicoptus waltoni
Pellucid silk moth - - Rhodinia fugax
Pentatomid bug - - Eurydema ornata
Pentatomid bug - - Neohalys acuticornis
Pentatomid bug - - Neohalys minirostratus
Pentatomid bug - - Rhynchocoris humeralis
Peony fly - - Macrotrypeta ortalidina
Pepper fruit fly - - Atherigona orientalis
Pepper maggot - - Zonosemata electa
Pepper weevil - - Anthonomus eugenii
Pepper-and-salt moth - - Biston betularia
Peppered moth - - Biston regalis
Periodical cicada - - Magicicada septendecim
Permanent blackberry aphid - - Aphis ruborum
Persimmon bagworm - - Psyche casta
Persimmon bark borer - - Euzophera batangensis
Persimmon cochlid - - Scopelodes contracta
Persimmon fruit moth - - Stathmopoda masinissa
Persimmon leafminer - - Cuphodes dispyrosella
Persimmon mealybug - - Drosicha howardi
Persimmon mealybug - - Phenacoccus pergandei
Persimmon psylla - - Trioza diospyri
Phasmatid - - Didymuria violescens
Philippine katydid - - Phaneroptera furcifera
Pickleworm - - Diaphania nitidalis
Pierid butterfly - - Leptophobia aripa
Pigeon tremex - - Tremex columba
Pindi moth - - Abantiades latipennis
Pine adelgid - - Pineus boerneri
Pine bark weevil - - Aesiotes notabilis
Pine beauty - - Panolis flammea
Pine butterfly - - Neophasia menapia
Pine emperor moth - - Gonimbrasia belina
Pine emperor moth - - Imbrasia cytherea
Pine emperor moth - - Nudaurelia cytherea
Pine engraver - - Ips pini
Pine false wireworm - - Acantholyda burkei
Pine hawkmoth - - Sphinx pinastri
Pine longhorn beetle - - Asemum striatum
Pine looper - - Chlenias auctaria
Pine looper - - Pholodes sinistraria
Pine moth - - Aglaosoma variegatum
Pine needle gall midge - - Thecodiplosis brachyntera
Pine needle gall midge - - Thecodiplosis japonensis
Pine needle gall midge - - Thecodiplosis piniradiatae
Pine needle scale - - Chionaspis pinifoliae
Pine processionary moth - - Thaumetopoea pityocampa
Pine root aphid - - Stagona pini
Pine sawyer - - Monochamus galloprovincialis
Pine shoot beetle - - Tomicus piniperda
Pine spittlebug - - Aphrophora canadensis
Pine stump weevil - - Mitrastethus australiae
Pine tip moth - - Rhyacionia duplana
Pine tortricid - - Archips oporanus
Pineapple caterpillar - - Tmolus echion
Pineapple mealybug - - Dysmicoccus brevipes
Pineapple midge - - Forcipomyia brevis
Pineapple scale - - Diaspis bromeliae
Pineapple scale - - Melanaspis smilacis
Pineapple thrips - - Holopothrips ananasi
Pineapple weevil - - Metamasius ritchiei
Pineapple weevil - - Parisoschoenus ananasi
Pinhole borer - - Xyleborus ferrugineus
Pink bollworm - - Pectinophora gossypiella
Pink cutworm - - Agrotis munda
Pink hibiscus mealybug - - Maconellicoccus hirsutus
Pink maize borer - - Sesamia calamistis
Pink pod borer - - Leguminivora ptychora
Pink scavenger caterpillar - - Pyroderces rileyi
Pink sugar-cane mealybug - - Saccharicoccus sacchari
Pink wax scale - - Ceroplastes japonicus
Pink-spotted hawkmoth - - Agrius cingulatus
Pinkwinged grasshopper - - Atractomorpha sinensis
Pinyon pine beetle - - Ips confusus
Pistol casebearer - - Coleophora anatipennella
Pistol casebearer - - Coleophora multipulvella
Pistol casebearer - - Eupista anatipennella
Pit scale - - Asterococcus muratae
Pit scale - - Asterolecanium aureum
Pit scale - - Asterolecanium epidendri
Pitted ambrosia beetle - - Corthylus punctatissimus
Pitted apple beetle - - Geloptera porosa
Pittosporum longicorn - - Strongylurus thoracicus
Plant bug - - Adelphocoris triannulatus
Plant bug - - Calocoris trivialis
Plant bug - - Camptozygum aequale
Plant bug - - Capaneus odiosus
Plant bug - - Clerada apicicornis
Plant bug - - Cryphula affinis
Plant bug - - Cryphula fasciatus
Plant bug - - Elasmucha putoni
Plant bug - - Eurycipitia splendens
Plant bug - - Eurycipitia vestitus
Plant bug - - Fulvius quadristillatus
Plant bug - - Halticiellus tibialis
Plant bug - - Halticus minutus
Plant bug - - Halticus tibialis
Plant bug - - Homoeocerus serrifer
Plant bug - - Leptoglossus chilensis
Plant bug - - Megacoelum argillaceus
Plant bug - - Mycterodus serbicus
Plant bug - - Neella floridula
Plant bug - - Neodicyphus rhododendri
Plant bug - - Orius laevigatus
Plant bug - - Orthotylus nassatus
Plant bug - - Palomena angulosa
Plant bug - - Pendulinus antennatus
Plant bug - - Physomerus gossipes
Plant bug - - Physomerus parvulus
Plant bug - - Phytocoris laciniatus
Plant bug - - Phytocoris militaris
Plant bug - - Prodromus clypeatus
Plant bug - - Riptortus linearis
Plant bug - - Stethoconus japonicus
Plant bug - - Tenthecoris bicolor
Planthopper - - Cicadulina arachidis
Planthopper - - Cicadulina bipunctata
Planthopper - - Cicadulina ghaurii
Planthopper - - Cicadulina latens
Planthopper - - Cicadulina mbila
Planthopper - - Cicadulina parazeae
Planthopper - - Cicadulina similis
Planthopper - - Cicadulina storeyi
Planthopper - - Colgar peracutum
Planthopper - - Egropa malayensis
Planthopper - - Euricania discigutta
Planthopper - - Euricania translucida
Planthopper - - Euricania villica
Planthopper - - Gergithus variabilis
Planthopper - - Hyalesthes obsoletus
Planthopper - - Latematium cingulatum
Planthopper - - Metcalfa pruinosa
Planthopper - - Mycterodus carpathicus
Planthopper - - Ommatissus binotatus
Planthopper - - Ommatissus lybicus
Planthopper - - Orosanga japonica
Planthopper - - Pelitropis rotulata
Planthopper - - Ricania japonica
Planthopper - - Siphanta galatea
Planthopper - - Tarundia glaucescens
Plataspidid bug - - Brachyplatys pacificus
Plum cambium midge - - Phytobia cerasiferae
Plum cankerworm moth - - Cystidia couaggaria
Plum case worm - - Pteroma pendula
Plum curculio - - Conotrachelus nenuphar
Plum fruit moth - - Cydia dimorpha
Plum leaf sawfly - - Priophorus pallipes
Plum leaf sawfly - - Priophorus varipes
Plum leaf weevil - - Amblyrrhinus poricollis
Plum leafhopper - - Macropsis trimaculata
Plum moth - - Illiberis rotundata
Plum sawfly - - Hoplocampa flava
Plum slug - - Latoia latistriga
Plum small ermine moth - - Yponomeuta padellus
Plum tortrix - - Hedya pruniana
Plum tortrix - - Olethreutes pruniana
Plum web-spinning sawfly - - Neurotoma inconspicua
Plum weevil - - Magdalis ruficornis
Plume moth - - Alucita niveodactyla
Plume moth - - Geina sheppardi
Plume moth - - Sphenarches caffer
Plumeria whitefly - - Paraleyrodes perseae
Plumose scale - - Morganella longispina
Plumose scale - - Mycetaspis personata
Plutellid moth - - Caunaca sera
Pod borer - - Etiella grisea
Pod moth - - Cydia fabivora
Pod sucking bug - - Clavigralla hystricodes
Pod sucking bug - - Clavigralla schadabi
Pod sucking bug - - Clavigralla tomentosicollis
Pod sucking bug - - Riptortus dentipes
Pod sucking bug - - Riptortus longipes
Pod sucking bug - - Riptortus tenuicornis
Poinciana looper - - Pericyma cruegeri
Polished green stink bug - - Glaucias subpunctatus
Pollen beetle - - Coryna apicicornis
Pollen beetle - - Coryna kersteni
Pollen beetle - - Meligethes aeneus
Polynesian tiger mosquito - - Aedes polynesiensis
Pomegranate butterfly - - Virachola isocrates
Pomegranate butterfly - - Virachola livia
Ponderosa pine cone beetle - - Conophthorus ponderosae
Poplar and willow borer - - Cryptorhynchus lapathi
Poplar borer - - Paranthrene dollii
Poplar pole clearwing moth - - Sesia siningensis
Poplar pole clearwing moth - - Sphecia (=Sesia) sinigensis
Poplar scale - - Quadraspidiotus gigas
Poplar twig gall aphid - - Pemphigus populiramulorum
Porphyry knothorn moth - - Numonia suavella
Potato aphid - - Macrosiphum euphorbiae
Potato cutworm - - Pseudoleucania bilitura
Potato flea beetle - - Epitrix cucumeris
Potato flea beetle - - Psylliodes affinis
Potato leafhopper - - Cicadella viridis
Potato leafhopper - - Empoasca fabae
Potato leafhopper - - Eupteryx aurata
Potato leafhopper - - Typhlocyba jucunda
Potato leafminer - - Pegomya dulcamarae
Potato psyllid - - Paratrioza cockerelli
Potato scab gnat - - Pnyxia scabiei
Potato snout beetle - - Sciobius horni
Potato stalk borer - - Trichobaris trinotata
Potato stem borer - - Hydraecia micacea
Potato tuber moth - - Phthorimaea operculella
Potato tuber moth - - Scrobipalpopsis solanivora
Potato wireworm - - Hapatesus hirtus
Powder post beetle - - Lyctoxylon japonum
Pprune leafhopper - - Edwardsiana prunicola
Predatory bug - - Deraeocoris brevis
Priunose scarab - - Sericesthis geminata
Privet hawk moth - - Sphinx ligustri
Prominent moth - - Pygaera cupreata
Prominent moth - - Pygaera fulgurita
Prominent moth - - Pygaera restitura
Protea Scarlet - - Capys alphaeus
Proteus scale - - Parlatoria pseudoaspidiotus
Prunus bud moth - - Illiberis nigra
Prunus leafminer beetle - - Trachys inconspicua
Pseudo stem weevil - - Odoiporus longicollis
Psocid - - Ectopsocus pumilis
Psocid - - Troctes minutus
Psychid moth - - Amicta oberthuri
Psychid moth - - Ptycholoma circumclusana
Psyllid - - Cacopsylla babylonica
Psyllid - - Cacopsylla bidens
Psyllid - - Cacopsylla costalis
Psyllid - - Cacopsylla liaoli
Psyllid - - Craspedolepta innoxia
Psyllid - - Euphyllura pakistanica
Psyllid - - Euphyllura phillyreae
Psyllid - - Euphyllura straminea
Psyllid - - Microceropsylla nigra
Psyllid - - Psylla betulaefoliae
Psyllid - - Psylla changli
Psyllid - - Psylla chinensis
Psyllid - - Psylla heterobetulifoliae
Psyllid - - Psylla jiangli
Psyllid - - Psylla phaeocarpae
Psyllid - - Psylla ribesiae
Psyllid - - Trioza anceps
Psyllid - - Trioza trisignata
Pug moth - - Comibaena obsoletaria
Pulvinaria scale - - Pulvinaria cellulosa
Pumpkin aphid - - Illinoia cucurbita
Pumpkin beetle - - Aulacophora abdominalis
Pumpkin beetle - - Aulacophora hilaris
Pumpkin beetle - - Aulacophora quadrimaculata
Pumpkin fly - - Bactrocera buvittata
Purple scale - - Lepidosaphes beckii
Purple stemborer - - Sesamia inferens
Purplebacked cutworm - - Evergestis pallidata
Purplish looper moth - - Selenia tetralunaria
Puss moth - - Epicoma tristis
Putnam scale - - Diaspidiotus ancylus
Pygmy grasshopper - - Tetrix japonica
Pygmy mole cricket - - Tridactylus japonicus
Pyralid moth - - Alpheias conspirata
Pyralid moth - - Antiercta ornatalis
Pyralid moth - - Apomyelois decolor
Pyralid moth - - Citripestis sagittiferella
Pyralid moth - - Conobathra bifidella
Pyralid moth - - Davara caricae
Pyralid moth - - Dichocrocis diminutiva
Pyralid moth - - Dichocrocis festivalis
Pyralid moth - - Dioryctria auranticella
Pyralid moth - - Dioryctria sylvestrella
Pyralid moth - - Dracaenura pelochra
Pyralid moth - - Ephestia parasitella
Pyralid moth - - Glyphodes pulverulentalis
Pyralid moth - - Haimbachia infusella
Pyralid moth - - Megastes grandalis
Pyralid moth - - Mussidia nigrivenella
Pyralid moth - - Neargyractis slossonalis
Pyralid moth - - Ochrostomus teapensis
Pyralid moth - - Omiodes diemenalis
Pyralid moth - - Phycita melongenae
Pyralid moth - - Piletocera xanthosoma
Pyralid moth - - Psara submarginalis
Pyralid moth - - Salebriopsis albicilla
Pyralid moth - - Sitochroa palealis
Pyralid moth - - Tabidia aculealis
Pyramidal fruitworm - - Amphipyra pyramidoides
Pyriform scale - - Protopulvinaria pyriformis
Pyrrhocorid bug - - Dysdercus obliquus
Pyrrhocorid bug - - Largus cinctus

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Citation: El-Sayed AM 2025. The Pherobase: Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. <>.
Ⓒ 2003-2025 The Pherobase - Extensive Database of Pheromones and Semiochemicals. Ashraf M. El-Sayed.
Page created on 22-January-2025